NC Traffic Ticket Lawyer serving Union County

Contact Us: (704) 608-3429 or Email: [email protected]NC Speeding Ticket Lawyer for Union County CitationsIf you have received a Union County traffic citation, speeding ticket, or any other moving violation in Monroe, call us today for a free consultation from a seasoned North Carolina traffic ticket lawyer. At Nosal & Jeter, LLP, we represent both North Carolina residents and non-residents with Union County speeding tickets, driving while license revoked, reckless driving, and other traffic violations.If you were pulled over for a speeding ticket in Monroe on I-74 and are not from the local area, having to appear in Union County District Court in Monroe can be a major inconvenience. Many North Carolina traffic tickets require a mandatory court appearance; however, in most cases we can appear on your behalf, so you do not have to go to court. We will strive to get your cased dismissed or reduced to minimize the points upon your license and insurance.

Keep Points off your License and Insurance!

A simple traffic ticket has major implications. For one, your auto insurance premium will likely go up and points on your license can multiple the penalties received for future violations. This, combined with a court date, a massive fine, and other factors, is reason enough to do everything in your power to alleviate the effects of a ticket as soon as possible. Luckily, a North Carolina traffic ticket lawyer experienced in Union County is only a call away.

Hire the Experience of a Former Police Officer

Fortunately, Nosal & Jeter, LLP has a former law enforcement professional on their team. Pete Nosal, a managing partner of the firm, was a police officer prior to entering private legal practice, and charged his own tickets in North Carolina. During his time in law enforcement, Nosal became well-versed in traffic ticket law and how to fight these violations. He uses the experience and insight he gained during his tenure as an officer to fight effectively for our clients.

Monroe, NC Traffic Ticket?

Call a NC Traffic attorney for a free consultation and we will explain your options and recommend a course of action. When you call, you will speak to a speeding ticket lawyer who understands Monroe, NC and Union County traffic offenses and how they affect your license and insurance. We are available evenings and weekends. Call anytime.Contact (704) 608-3429 or E-mail [email protected] for your FREE consultation regarding your Union County Citation with a skilled North Carolina Traffic Attorney